Sunday, February 22, 2009

Every day a little more...

I managed to get my biography posted to this site today. Suzanne's working on hers, and should be ready to add in just a bit. Next up is the emerging documentation of the project's vision and it's pending status as a non-profit organization. It's getting there, one day at a time.

I got an email yesterday from someone interested in the project, and she asked how she might help. This made me think about how to get information about people's background, interests and skills that maybe wasn't as haphazard (or, for that matter, as intimidating) as "Tell us about yourself". I wonder if a meme would accomplish this. They seem to be engaging little tools for people in the blogosphere, and a well designed one might allow people to share comfortably while still telling us something valuable about them.

What do you think? Would you be more/less/indifferently inclined to share in a meme? Any suggestions about how to make one? I've never really done it.

Also, any commentary on the site as you see it now would be helpful. If you see a typo, or formatting doesn't look right, please let us know.